Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My thoughts on APECO--

I make no qualms about my dislike for how PNoy is running this country. But once in a while, he does get a few things right. For instance—his support for the Aurora Pacific Economic Zone and Freeport. 

This APECO project has been making the news rounds lately because of the government’s intent to cut the budget for it. Doesn't make much sense though, opening up that side of the country for trading will lend itself to the development of the Philippines. 

In any case, despite the President’s support for the project, it seems the ecozone’s budget is set to be cut by over 80%.  Originally at P251 million, proposed allocation will now be at P45.8 million for 2015. 

Atty. Gerardo Erquiza, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Aurora Pacific Economiz Zone and Freeport Authority weighs in and say this will ‘choke’ province. 

“For decades, Aurora province has been neglected and isolated from the rest of the country,” said Erquiza, explaining that the establishment of APECO was meant to spur economic growth in Aurora, its neighboring provinces, and eventually the entire eastern seaboard of the country. 

What do you think? Leave your comments below.

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